Empowering biology to fight climate change
How does it work?
Microprime, Andes’ unique delivery method for microbes in agriculture, ensures that every single plant on a field is being effectively colonized by the bacteria of interest. Only the right bacteria working at the right place (plant’s roots), has the potential of unlocking synthetic nitrogen replacement at an unprecedented scale. Andes is empowering unique nitrogen fixing bacteria in order to replace the need of synthetic nitrogen fixation, which will positively impact at a global scale by reducing GHG emissions and water contamination.
Why is it needed?
Every year human action releases the equivalent of 51 gigatons of CO? into the earth’s atmosphere. This is the same amount we urgently need to bring down to net-zero in order to prevent a climate-driven catastrophe.
How does it improve life?
Our mission is to enable positive action against climate change by leveraging nature’s most resilient members: microbes. But to accomplish this enormous task we need to find and design the right microbes and deliver them. Growing food is a source of 19% of annual GHG emissions, whereas production (such as cement and plastic) and transportation contribute 31% and 16%, respectively. These activities and emissions can be completely transformed with the right microbes performing specific tasks. Delivering microbes at the vast scale required to enable change has been unsolved. Until Andes.