Empower is creating a solution to the plastic waste problem by giving plastic a value.
Based on the idea of using new technology to enable a circular economy Empower was founded in January 2018 with a vision to empower people to create a cleaner and better world. Now Empower is building a global plastic waste ecosystem based on the same philosophy as the Norwegian bottle deposit system. By giving plastic waste a value we can both stop leakage of plastic into the environment and cost-efficiently incentivize collection of leaked waste. By tracking it and making digital inventories we also ensure that the most of it is reused and recycled. This is done by setting up collection points around the world, together with partners who then issue financial rewards in return for the deposit of plastic. We also provide digital tools to increase transparency, market access and low-cost operations. All the plastic is registered digitally when deposited, allowing it to be traced through the value chain. This creates transparency and traceability and allow us to map waste flows.