Plug & play, containerized, mobile wind energy
How does it work?
Kitepower is developing a cost-effective alternative to traditional wind energy by using kites to generate electricity. Kitepower’s target market is microgrids (remote areas, temporary power supplies & off-grid installations). Kitepower systems generate electricity by flying kites. One 60m2 Kite will generate enough electricity to power 150 households while weighing only 60 kg and unlike solar PV it generates 24h a day. To date Kitepower has undergone 6 years of commercial development, the realisation of two working prototypes and € 4+ M raised in grants, investment & revenues. We have accomplished three temporary pilots and we're now approaching launching one of the first airborne wind energy systems to the market.
Why is it needed?
The world needs renewable energy sources to reach carbon neutrality in 2050, current efforts are not enough.
How does it improve life?
We envision a world where Kitepower systems are deployed globally, delivering clean, affordable and sustainable energy to everyone.