SailLink UK France ferry
Sustainable transportation for foot and bicycle passengers between the UK and France.
How does it work?
So Saillink is under development to be an alternative and innovative method of travel between the UK & France, using modern, purpose-built sailing catamarans to offer a convenient but adventurous and very low impact form of travel. Connecting centrally located ports which can be easily accessed by foot passengers. Sailink will take only a maximum of 12 passengers so be ideal for family and small group travel. Crossing times of around 4 hours.
Why is it needed?
Historically, maritime transportation followed a progression from sail to fossil fuels in its craving to save time, money and effort. The ambition of SailLink is to avoid this progression and instead to design its services and vessels to optimise the prevailing conditions and sailing experience and therefore to remain sailing using the power of the winds. SailLink was founded in order to provide a sustainable means of transport where there is currently none. It is therefore a defining factor of what we do and how we do it. We recognise sustainability to concern all human activities and that we must now focus on regenerating the environment we depend upon.
How does it improve life?
We're preparing and planning for the pilot phase in September. Following this we will be aiming to launch a daily sailing service in spring 2023. For the pilot phase we will again be using the trustworthy catamaran and certified sailing skills of our sailing advisor Jim Duerden of Top Cat Cruising School. Then, to start out with in 2023, we are on the look-out for a suitable vessel to purchase and adapt. We are being supported in business development and our crowdfunding campaign by the Blue Living Lab of the Nausicaá sea life centre in Boulogne-sur-Mer : Europe's largest aquarium.