Ultra early wildfire detection
How does it work?
Dryad provides ultra-early fire detection as well as health and growth monitoring solutions for public and private forests. Using Dryad's large-scale IOT network, sensors can detect wildfires and provide valuable insights into the microclimate and growth of the forest.
Why is it needed?
Wildfires have a devastating effect on sustainable development goals (SDG) as defined by the United Nations. Based on their business plan and by applying their technology to prevent wildfires, Dryad are committed to achieve the following SDG-related goals by 2030: 394m CO2 emissions prevented (tons), 55m animals saved from wildfires, $7bn protected economic loss and 10k respiratory cases prevented.
How does it improve life?
In Greek mythology, dryads are tree spirits living in symbiotic relationship with their hosts. The artificial "Dryads" monitor, analyse and protect the forest using cutting-edge technology. Their mission is to reduce reaction time for forest fires, monitor the vitality and growth of the forest as well as other vital ecosystems, helping to protect and restore our vital natural resources.