The Electic volkswagen van
The new era of electric mobility is starting and Volkswagen is set to define it: with the I.D. BUZZ, Volkswagen is presenting at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit the microbus of the new age. The electric MPV concept gives a renewed look ahead towards the future – with the aim of bringing electric mobility for all into the world of tomorrow. The new brand claim sums it up: "We make the future real." Build on VW’s MEB architecture, which is designed to accommodate large battery for long-range, driving, along with all-wheel drive and autonomous drive capability. The 111 kWh battery gives an estimated 270 miles worth of all-electric driving. For drivers, the Buzz borrows features like the augmented reality HUD and touch-sensitive steering wheel found in the I.D concept. The center console is also something VW is calling the I.D. Box, which serves as the control panel for the driver as well as a detachable Bluetooth sound system.