Our food choices are statements of values, so why not make conscientious food choices?
How we raise farm animals is not simply an issue of animal welfare, ecological sustainability, or sound economics, but all of these and more. How we choose to feed our families and ourselves says a lot about who we are as individuals and as citizens. Our food choices are also statements of values. The ability to make conscientious food choices is predicated on awareness and understanding. To promote conscientious food choices, reduce farm animal suffering, and advance sustainable agriculture, Farm Forward recently launched the Eating Animals Education Project to increase the reach of Jonathan Safran Foer’s book ‘Eating Animals’ to students everywhere. Farm Forward is now sponsoring a series of virtual visits by author Jonathan Safran Foer to high school and college classrooms, in addition to supporting educators with a robust collection of subject-specific assignments and experiences shared by professors who are already assigning the text.