"HomeBuddy" is an app designed to help ease feelings of loneliness and homesickness in college.
When going away to school for the first time, many college freshmen experience homesickness in one form or another. After being thrown into a completely new environment surrounded by strangers, the excitement and newness of college life wears off after a few weeks. The dorms become smaller, the school work picks up, and the dining halls lose their vigor. This generally leaves most freshmen feeling lonely and missing the comforts of their own room and a home-cooked meal. To combat this issue, our team has decided to tackle homesickness in college by designing an application called “HomeBuddy”. Within the app, students will have access to emotion tracking, news subscriptions from their hometowns to always stay in the loop, reminders to call home, articles and resources with tips and tricks on how to stay positive during tough times, and even ways to connect with others from your hometown while at school.