BeZero Carbon
Global carbon ratings
How does it work?
BeZero Carbon Ratings is a publicly available, risk-based framework for assessing carbon efficacy. We rate qualifying carbon credits in all sectors. Built on the BeZero Carbon Ratings framework, the subscription-based platform provides access to the world’s largest coverage of carbon credit ratings, and underlying data, research and analytics. Users can search, understand and compare from hundreds of carbon credits and projects across all sectors across the world. BeZero Carbon Markets platform helps buyers, brokers, marketplaces, exchanges, investors and project developers assess the quality of carbon credits, monitor performance and manage risk of their investments.
Why is it needed?
The Voluntary Carbon Market is struggling to price and manage risk. Scaling climate action requires a new toolkit. BeZero’s ratings and research tools support buyers, intermediaries, investors, and carbon project developers. Their team combines climatic and earth sciences, sell-side financial research, earth observation, machine learning, data and technology, engineering, and public policy.
How does it improve life?
The ratings are open for everyone to search. See the headline letter ratings for over 250 projects around the world. The mission is to create prosperity through climate action. This means scaling the Voluntary Carbon Market through a universal language of risk, providing ratings and research for the whole market; and building the information architecture for ecosystem markets.