Innovative threads and disassembly for truly sustainable fashion
How does it work?
Resortecs enables high-quality textile recycling on an industrial scale thanks to automatic garment disassembly. Through targeted innovations in the way clothes are assembled, sorted, and disassembled, our solutions empower brands to rise to today’s environmental challenges at the pace and scale Earth needs. Smart Stitch™, our heat-dissolvable stitching thread, enables brands to transform their products into recyclable pieces from the manufacturing stage. Smart Disassembly™, our thermal disassembly system, allows recyclers to tap into higher volumes of premium material, processing millions of garments per year without quality loss.
Why is it needed?
Fashion generates over 1.2 billion tons of CO? eq. per year. Every second, one truck full of textiles is wasted across the globe. Resortecs helps brands transition from linear to circular production. Clothes sewn on with Smart Stitch™ and recycled after Smart Disassembly™ have half the carbon impact other clothing generates. A pair of jeans sewn on with Smart Stitch™ and recycled in a closed-loop way generates 50% less CO? eq. and 80% less textile waste.
How does it improve life?
Resortecs is 5x faster than traditional disassembly and makes it possible to recycle up to 90% of garments' original fabric. Combined with recycling, Resortecs halves CO? emissions and reduces textile waste by up to 80%.