The first flushable pregnancy test
The moment you’re taking a pregnancy test, you’re probably not thinking about much besides the result. But while your mind may be elsewhere, it turns out that nearly 2 million pounds of used home pregnancy tests wind up in landfills each year. The plastic diagnostic tools “are only used for a few minutes, but they are made out of things that are not sustainable,” says Lia cofounder and CEO Bethany Edwards. “Nobody had innovated on the form factor of the pregnancy test in over 30 years,” she says. The biggest change in that time has been to add an electronic display and mini-battery, adding to the waste footprint of pregnancy tests. The device uses the same amount of material as six squares of three-ply toilet paper and contains no glue. Its protein-, plant-, and mineral-based fibers biodegrade whether flushed or composted, which means that in addition to its environmental benefits and 99% accuracy, the device offers a revolutionary new measure of privacy.