Upcycling plastics waste
How does it work?
Our technology upcycles polyethylene, the most widely used plastic, in the form of LDPE, HDPE, and LLDPE. You know it as grocery bags, packaging, and containers. Today, less than 9% of polyethylene is recycled and virtually none is upcycled. Novoloop breaks down polyethylene at a molecular level into monomers using our patented chemical process technology ATOD™ (Accelerated Thermal Oxidative Decomposition). We also build the monomers into a platform of high-value chemicals and materials that perform much better than recycled products.
Why is it needed?
Plastics waste is a crisis situation mitigated by circularity and re-use.
How does it improve life?
By upcycling plastics to reduce waste going to landfills and incineration.