Leda Health
An online health platform building sexual survivor-centric tools.
How does it work?
Leda Health strives to help survivors and those around them by transforming the panorama of sexual assault prevention, care and healing. By aspiring to work directly with hospitals, organizations, law enforcement and legislators to empower survivors with additional resources; for example, providing services to fill the gaps between the individual and the community. Some services include early evidence kits, a mobile app with specialized guidance, a trauma-informed care team available to chat 24/7, STI Testing and emergency contraception, and holistic healing circles.
Why is it needed?
The United States has a national shortage of nurses and doctors trained to conduct sexual assault forensic exams. Leda Health was founded to revolutionize forensic evidence collection and testing with modern technology and connect survivors with professionals and supportive communities to aid them in their recovery. For sexual assault survivors, the restoration of autonomy and care administration is of the utmost importance. With a network of experienced professionals in forensics, law, healthcare, and advocacy, it aims to shift the paradigm. Ultimately, Leda's mission is to support the effort to raise the national reporting rate, minimize the backlog of 200,000 sexual assault examination kits currently in the country, and provide survivors with the holistic care they need.
How does it improve life?
Leda Health improves lives with healing, growing, supporting and thriving. In striving to end the cycle of sexual violence, it takes a holistic, survivor-focused lens to address the diversity of needs and inspire community wellbeing.