Carbo Culture
Converting CO₂ from plants into stable carbon and locking it away for 1,000 years
How does it work?
Leveraging advanced engineering, Carbo Culture’s next-generation system solves the scalability challenges of carbon removal technology. Carbon is in a constant state of movement. Trees and other plants draw down carbon from the atmosphere to grow. However, as plants decompose, they release carbon back into the atmosphere. This amounts to hundreds of billions of tons of CO?. Our patented technology, Carbolysis™, hacks into this natural cycle. We convert the CO? from plants into biochar and store it for 1,000 years.
Why is it needed?
To prevent the worst impacts of climate change, we need to look beyond emission reductions and avoidance. Enter carbon removal, a transformative technology that takes CO? from the atmosphere and locks it away for good. However, technical limitations of existing carbon removal solutions have hindered its scale. Carbo Culture changes that.
How does it improve life?
Carbo Culture is on a journey to remove 1 billion tons of CO? from the atmosphere annually.