Next-generation needle disposal
How does it work?
The NeedleSmart device addresses two major issues for global healthcare systems, the safety of the healthcare staff and the escalating compliance cost of disposing of post-procedural needles. The NeedleSmart device is designed as a sealed chamber storing needles and syringes in a sterilised, safe form and it efficiently minimizes the possibility of post procedural Needle Stick Injury (NSI). The NeedleSmart device heats the needles inserted to an excess of 1300 °C which will kill potential harmful pathogens, viruses and bacteria adhering to the needle. Sterilising the needle to be disposed of and melting it into a safe sphere inside the product allows the waste to be disposed with considerable cost savings. NeedleSmart's DVS (Digital Vaccination System) digitalises the vaccination process with every detail being automatically recorded in the Cloud. DVS is made up of 4 elements that combine to produce a seamless, secure system for digitalising vaccination data.
Why is it needed?
Needle Stick Injuries are an increasing problem throughout the world as each year globally 12,000,000,000 injections will be administered and of these up to 3,000,000 Needle Stick Injuries will occur. With over 100,000 reported Needle Stick Injuries in the UK alone, Spain in excess of 100,000, Germany 500,000 and USA 1,000,000 - Needle Stick Injuries (NSI) are a global problem with global implications.
How does it improve life?
Needles are used worldwide in a variety of applications from intensive or routine healthcare, laboratory work, urban hospitals, immunisation centres, military hospitals, and diabetic care.