UnF*ck the Future app
An app to lighten the climate anxiety burden while encouraging positive action
How does it work?
Just install the chrome extension (click “add to chrome” above), and next time you read an anxiety-ridden climate article, a little tab will pop up with some snarky one-minute climate actions from top environmental NGOs and nonprofits. We’ll even congratulate you like the noble beast you are. You’ll feel better by doing something to change the system. You’ll laugh at delicious puns. Oh, there’s also the added bonus of lighting a fire under the asses of greedy corporations and dilly-dallying politicians. So next time your anxiety spikes and you experience that all-too-familiar existential dread, turn to UnFuck the Future - the antidote to stressful climate news.
Why is it needed?
Using humour has been scientifically proven to help people switch from a feeling of overwhelm to a more balanced state where they can take action. A recent study showed that humour helped 90% of subjects “positively process negative emotions regarding global warming” and “sustain hope.” Encouragingly, 83% of subjects said they felt their commitment to taking action on climate change was stronger — and more likely to last.
How does it improve life?
The intent is to counter the vibe readers internalize while consuming negative climate news. In addition to lightening the mood, the one-minute interruption provides valuable climate action opportunities. It’s the antidote for reading about pollution, waste, water shortages, natural disasters and wildlife loss, countering it with actionable advice to make the reader feel empowered about their role in the fight against climate change.