A digital tool that allows anyone to design complex 3D-knitted fabrics
How does it work?
A digital tool that allows anyone to design 3D-knitted fabrics while addressing production transparency and waste reduction in the industry. With CREATE, step by step it is possible to customize and create unique fabrics. Beginning with textile packages that suit the wanted purpose, choosing the colors, and applying specif designs, CREATE produces only what is needed and more importantly close to home, with on-demand production and certified global network.
Why is it needed?
CreateTM enables creators to design and construct their textiles and knits while supplying them with the right tools and knowledge on sustainability and transparency. While creating a link between creators and suppliers, it is possible to find the right partners to responsibly produce their designs.
How does it improve life?
Nowadays it is important to be aware of our consumption, especially in textile. Avoiding such, designers and creators should work closely together to evoke and educate people to employ a responsible attitude. CREATE is a propeller that initiates a healthy ecosystem where the supply chain of every textile product becomes an important consideration for both the designer and the consumer.