Barcelona Superblock
Environmental infrastructure to foster life in city streets, sustainable mobility and local commerce
How does it work?
Superblock is a new environmental infrastructure where the street is designed to foster everyday life in public space and stimulate local commerce, reducing noise and pollution at the same time. Priority is given to pedestrians and speed limits of 10 km/h are introduced for wheeled transport, meaning vehicles take on a guest status. Streets will have curbless paving, with asphalt to disappear and greener permeable pavements solutions applied with a system for reusing rainwater. Completely accessible and safer streets will be created with support features such as guiding elements, traffic lights, signage among others. More urban furniture will be installed: benches, water springs, play areas and tables for citizens to regain public and social interactions. Extra greenery will be added, the current 1% rising to at least 10% and priority being given to trees in the urban landscape. Lighting will be renewed and geared towards people rather than vehicles.
Why is it needed?
The climate emergency will change everything, and cities, where 78% of the world’s energy is consumed, and 60% of the world’s emissions are produced, will suffer the effects in an increasingly dramatic way. Yet it is also in cities where innovative initiatives are emerging to counter this situation. Superblocks new urban planning will adapt Barcelona to the new climate context: less polluting, more self-sufficient, more people-friendly and more equitable city. During the time of the pandemic, we have definitely rediscovered the importance of proximity. We have become more local and in need of being able to provide all the functions of a city in every neighbourhood. We need a sense of community around us to enjoy our daily life, and we need the environment around us to facilitate this. Thus the project is targetting the challenge of being able to build local, ecological, healthy and accessible food and economic systems through the urban transformation.
How does it improve life?
Applying the Superblock model in Barcelona's urban grid makes is materializing a new sustainable vision for the people relations with the city of the 21st century. The aim is for Eixample residents to have a square or green street within 200 metres of their homes improving their quality of life with healthier, greener, fairer and safer public spaces that enhance social relations and local economies. Green streets are those where traffic-calming measures have been implemented, with places to relax, more vegetation, permeable paving and playing areas, making it possible to travel on foot easily, comfortably and safely. Thanks to the city's characteristic building blog chamfers, new city squares are taking over the crossroads of the green streets. Superblock is currently reorganizing the city's general mobility creating 21 new green streets and 21 squares. This makes for a total of 3.9 hectares of new public spaces, 33.4 of new pedestrian areas and 6.6 hectares of urban green areas.