Gender Equality, Trust, Tolerance & Empathy
Sexual health, female empowerment, sex education, Body Awareness
United Kingdom
Célia Marchessaux
A collection of tools that addresses sex education/body awareness and gynaecological appointments.
How does it work?
The first kit contains educational objects and cards that hope to address those "taboo" topics of body exploration and sex to support young girls. The kit is composed of a cardholder mirror, question box, 1.1 female reproductive system puzzle, and four chapters of educational cards. The cards tackle topics such as first periods, puberty, pleasure, consent, genders, contraceptives and STDs. The mirror used alongside educational cards provides an understanding of anatomy and the beautiful variety of bodies. The second part of Muse tackles women's healthcare and is composed of a gynaecological gown and a stand. The gown brings back dignity and comfort by enablinwomen to only show the parts that need to be seen during a gynaecological appointment, by creating windows' to access the breasts, belly, and in between the legs. Finally, the stand, placed in the waiting room, removes intimidation by familiarizing patients with gynaecological tools.
Why is it needed?
Muse answers real world challenges in a society which shies away from Sex Education and surrounds the topics of body and sexuality with shame. They are not often addressed within the family, not completely at school, and at a young age, girls are not talking about it. "The embarrassment of the parents often leads to avoiding the topics. However, it has been proved that not talking about it increases the risk of early unwanted pregnancy and diseases. Girls must be aware of their bodies and able to put words into action to protect them. Besides, alarming researches show that, in France 31% of women aged between 18 and 24 have never been to the gynecologist -, while in the UK, 1/3 of the women 'testified having delayed ???their smear test appointments due to embarrassment regarding their body shape (35%), the appearance of their vulva (34%) or concerns over smell (38%)’ - BBC 'Embarrassment makes women avoid smear tests.
How does it improve life?
Muse empowers girls and women to face their bodies in order to shape a new generation that feels differently, challenges oppressive perspectives and has a healthier relationship with bodies and sexuality. The design improves life by helping a new generation of women being raised to feel different, think different and being able to have a different relationship with their body. The toolkit offers sex education for young girls and women which are not only focused on the risk on having sex but also shifting the focus to consent and pleasure.