Immeasurable Range
An educational measuring kit questions the standardisation and re-standardising flexible instincts
With the rapid changing of uncertainty in pandemic, we are stuck in between the physical concern of safety and the desire for social activities. Our tools and systems, notably the measurements as the foundation of quantifying and unifying reality statically, we all tend to follow the rigid standards, even though they confine us and rule out subjectivity. ‘Immeasurable Range’ stretches the laws of physics and introduces an alternative perspective. In this educational kit you’ll find a rubber ruler that addresses social distancing and extends as tension rises, and a 3D triangular ruler that offers reflective perspectives. There is also a drawing compass with a brush at the end that emphasises fluidity, and a flexible bubble level suggesting that relative flatness might be curved. The tools are for adults to relearn the rigid perception of reality and for teenagers to understand the relative of tools and knowledge. It evokes our elastic instincts of seeing the world without frameworks.