Hands-on coding without a screen for boys and girls aged three and older
A playful wooden robot that helps young children discover computer programming! You can use it even if you can’t read yet (and there’s no screen to stare at). The play set includes a simple wooden cube-shaped robot named Cubetto, a floor mat with a map printed on it, a programming board and a variety of colorful instruction blocks. The aim is to direct Cubetto to his home on the mat using the programming board and instruction blocks. Each block is colored to represent a different chunk of code, and these combine to generate a string of commands. the system uses open-source electronics platform Arduino, which translates the directions entered into the programming board into movements for Cubetto. Shapes engraved into the top of each instruction block are designed to also make the kit suitable for visually-impaired children. Cubetto combines Montessori learning principles with computer