Mini mealtimes, a family nutrition app
Mini Mealtimes is a dietician in your pocket to track your child's nutrition
Every parent is concerned about what their child is eating: are they getting a healthy, balanced diet? Are they eating enough? Are they eating too much? How to prepare nutritious food that satisfies fussy eaters? Unfortunately, there is good precedent for this concern; according to a 2019 government report, 20% of 10-11-year-old children in the UK are obese, only 18% of children are eating five or more portions of fruits and vegetables each day, and prevalence of poor nutrition are twice as high in the most deprived areas compared to least deprived areas. These statistics are particularly dismal when one considers that early years’ nutrition has a vital lifelong impact. It can affect our baseline health, dietary habits, and bad habits can be passed onto future generations. Mini Mealtimes provides age-appropriate nutritional information for your children, helpful advice, and a bank of recipes and recommendations.