Connecting the dots between a housing shortage, a spare-room surplus and a crisis of loneliness.
Cities like London endure dual crises of loneliness and housing insecurity. In the first instance, people over the age of 50 are quite likely to be ‘empty nesting’. As adult children move away, and partners either separate or pass on, thousands of people find themselves living alone. In the UK, 6 million people have two or more spare rooms, 1.2 million of these live in London. The story of housing insecurity – especially in cities like London – is already well-known. For example, more than eight million people are living in unsuitable housing. A move towards lodging could go a long way towards relieving pressure on the housing market, as well as facilitating countless new friendships and companionships. Silver Sharers matches people over 50 with spare rooms to prospective lodgers. The product has been developed out of a successful newsletter, which features houses available for lodgers.