Did They Help?
Did They Help is a large project attempting to detail how corporations & public figures act.
COVID-19 forced corporations and influential individuals to make decisions – hard decisions. Some went out of their way to support people. However, some did not. There are instances where large corporations, notable billionaires, and public figures took negative actions and belittled measures enacted by governments to safeguard that which mattered most: life. As the virus spreads rapidly and everything happens so fast, who did what may blur or be forgotten, which doesn’t seem fair. The mission is to document all of the good and bad deeds corporations and public figures have done during this period. It is to create a comprehensive database and keep it available without sponsorship online so that people can make better, more informed decisions in the future about where they spend their money and who they invest in. Did they help? hopes to go beyond the pandemic in the future and rank corporations and public figures on other world issues such as global warming, child labor, and more.