ANIMO - Stroke Rehab Game
Stroke rehabilitation game
Stroke is today one of the most common causes of death in the world. It costs the Swedish society 8 billion dollars yearly! Studies also show that stroke is something that is increasing among young adults. Of these, it is mainly women who are in the middle of life who are affected. Healthcare professionals visit stroke patients and continue to support them. However, the real challenge starts in their homes. Animo is an interactive physical rehabilitation game supported by a training system in an app. You have five different practice boxes that you first pick out with your therapist at the rehab center. The app guides you through the practices and asks you how you feel before the session. The AR assistance helps the patient to self-regulate its movement. The patient can compare its result after a session to gain insight on how to improve. Find all recorded sessions from your practices in the app and choose to share this with your therapist to analyze and support your training.