Martin Bionics, Design for Amputees
Rigid encapsulated sockets for amputees are uncomfortable, so they reinvented them.
'Founder Jay Martin, CP, FAAOP was invited by NASA to help create Ironman-like exoskeleton suits for space and military applications. Through working with NASA he discovered and created counter-intuitive new methods of how to make prosthetics more comfortable. He then set out to create the most comfortable sockets on earth… and the Socket-less Socket™ was born. Now thousands of amputees around the world are gaining quality of life back through more comfortable sockets. We surveyed hundreds of amputees, and found that over 7 out of 10 claim their quality of life is limited by discomfort from their conventional prosthetic sockets. The conforming Socket-less Socket™ matches to the ever-changing human body, versus the body having to match to a rigid bucket. Our life-changing sockets have real-time adjustability to be as comfortable as a socket should be.'