Lyf App
An app where people can meet others who are experiencing the same type of struggles.
During these extraordinary, lonely and isolating times, there is a huge need for help, support, compassion and connections. For the millions around the globe that need to connect with real people and who are experiencing similar thoughts, feelings and emotions, Lyf, a free, new iOS and Android app and social media experience, has launched to offer the world’s largest virtual support group. For those struggling with COVID-19 related anxiety and depression, or needing questions answered, Lyf has a team of licensed psychologists on the platform 24/7 to answer questions and provide feedback for free. The team behind Lyf understands that today’s world is full of challenges, struggles and questions and the app was created so nobody has to face their issues alone. With a judgment-free community of tens of thousands, anyone can easily connect with others that are going through exactly what they are and receive support.