A novel way for competitive cyclists to handle rubbish during bicycle races
By researching the existing market, sketching and 3D modelling, Lloyd Revald, in collaboration with the racing cyclist Kasper Asgren, has rethought a traditional bottle holder. The design is an integrated bottle holder with a container in which rubbish from energy bars and gel can easily and responsibly be collected while cycling. At the end of the race, the container can be dismantled and emptied responsibly with a single turn. Competitive cyclists require energy during a bike race, but that need creates rubbish that is often discarded in nature. The design is a pioneering project aimed at ensuring that athletes take active responsibility for their own handling of waste, without compromising e.g. aerodynamics and weight. Recovery is primarily aimed at professional athletes who in their position can positively influence spectators, viewers and younger generations and thus contribute to a sport and a natural environment with less waste.