Hero - your new best reading friend
Hero enables everyone to read for themselves. It promotes the desire to read for all of its users.
The technology behind Hero builds on the latest advances in text simplification — an active area of ​​research in artificial intelligence. But Hero takes the language technology foundation a step further. Using machine learning techniques, Hero builds a personal profile over time as the user interacts with the system. The text is personalized to match the user's reading level. The development from theory to practice requires close collaboration between research and the user. That is why Hero has been developed in close dialogue with users, educational institutions and professionals. Hero-co-founder Mie worked as a consultant at KPMG when she wrote down the first thoughts on an intelligent tool that makes life easier for the dyslexic. Mie is dyslexic herself and knows what it means when reading is difficult. Hero is named after Mie's Danish teacher in primary school, who was named Hanne Helt and was Mie's hero. Joachim, Hero's second co-founder, has a Ph.D. in language technology.