Braille Me
A smart braille display for the visually impaired
Across the world, visually impaired students and professionals desire quick and easy access to their books, files and notes at an affordable price. Surpassing their aspirations we present a revolutionary product - Braille Me. Now get instant mobile connectivity and access to books in Braille at your fingertips. Braille Me is powered by our patented Braille cell technology enabling an affordable, portable and user-friendly Braille display. Aimed to serve a global community Braille Me has been tested rigorously in harsh conditions like dust, humidity, heat etc. The body of Braille Me is reinforced from inside to sustain drops even from human heights. A fast, smooth six-dot 20 cell Braille display for digital content. The Braille dots are specially designed to give a paper like feel. For input a 6-key Perkins style keypad and 20 routing buttons are provided.