This 'hearwear' aims to make the wearer proud of wearing a hearing aid and is designed to be seen.
"In the 60’s, glasses were aids for a disability. Now, glasses have evolved into ‘eyewear’, a fashion statement and an extension of your personality. This shift made me question why the main innovation in hearing aid design is developing technology to make them smaller and more hidden. Hiding something away suggests it’s something to be ashamed of. Inspired by the book ‘Design meets Disability’ by Graham Pullin, I have spent the last few months designing a range of ‘hearwear’ products. I wanted to design a hearing aid the user would be proud to wear, a product that is designed to be seen. ‘amplify’ is a hearing aid that uses bone conduction technology to provide the user with a comfortable and high quality audio experience. It is a conceptual piece that questions what a hearing aid could be."