Can You Save the World
Online game helping children understand Covid-19 and social distancing
Richard Wiseman, a professor of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire, has come up with what could possibly be the world’s first coronavirus computer game. Called ‘Can You Save the World?’, the game helps children understand the importance of social distancing in the times of the coronavirus pandemic. It also aims to inculcate awareness about how positive social behaviour taught in online games can impact people’s actions in the real world. Players are supposed to save lives by keeping away from others such as pedestrians and cyclists in busy streets. Further, they can collect PPEs and drop them off for healthcare professionals to save extra lives. Also, they can pick healthy food to gain more lives. The final goal of the game is to save as many lives as possible. And any guesses on what is the highest possible score for the game? 7 billion – the population of the world!