The Art of Social Distancing
The design make it easy for everyone everywhere to ensure social distancing to prevent COVID19
The coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the globe, the world economy is under pressure and the need for a safe opening of the countries is urgent. A first step to empower citizens across countries to take on the new normal in a positive engaging way. Since 90 % of human behavior is driven by colors and images in our surroundings in key decision moments, we have launched a nudge initiative called “The Art of Social Distancing”. The initiative consists of open-source nudges/footprints for everyone, to download, customize and implement at home, in the workplace, in the schools, by the bus stop and everywhere a nudge is needed to help social distancing feel natural. To help spark the movement we have asked artists from different countries to do first versions of the footprints which have turned out absolutely amazing. We ask you to 1)Share the initiative, 2) customize and implement the footprints everywhere that social distancing is needed, 3) Upload a pic. to spark a movement