Perceptual Thinkers
Edgy fashion design project which reflects to the people with autism perception-based thinking.
The project contains a clothing-scale range of objects which aims to point at how perceptual thinking functions in people with autism and what kinds of behavioural disorders accompany them. The elements of the range are primarily intended to be “design for all” objects, therefore they are useful for both general and specific users. They are articles of clothing that have extra functions which have positive effects on people with autism. I have to emphasise that these properties of form and material do not have targeted therapeutic effects, rather they are the result of conclusions of empirical observations and experiments. Both the symbolic and the functional attributes of the articles in this range are based on the assumption that there is only a small difference between autistic and non-autistic people. Another important consideration was to create recognisable objects, and not to distort them in the name of formalism .