Urban Farmer
The Urban Farmer is a plant tricycle that can be moved outdoor to share the outcome with others.
Urban Farmer is an electric tricycle for elders on which can grow vegetables. It fits in elevators and doors and has electric assistance design for the elders to ride outdoors to sell the vegetables or share their outcomes. When growing vegetables, the elders may exercise and ease the bending harm. Along with the APP, it provides vegetable market information and routes and takes orders from customers. It builds up a new planting experience for urban elders and helps to cultivate the planting habits while create interaction and prevent dementia, improving health and living quality. 1. Create urban elderly health and leisure activities and increase opportunities for the elderly to interact with others. 2. Through the combination of horticultural treatment, the elderly can be healed. 3. The design of the planting structure allows the elderly to reduce the burden of physical exertion during use. 4. Through the sharing and sale of the elderly, urban residents can get fresh ingredients.