Ÿnsect turns farmed insects into premium nutrition.
Ÿnsect farms insects to make high-quality, premium natural ingredients for aquaculture and pet nutrition. With growing global demand for premium proteins, we produce ŸnMeal, a premium protein, as well as other quality insect ingredients such as ŸnOil and ŸnFrass fertilizer. Our mission is to be a leading global provider of sustainable, premium nutrition for all by tapping the natural goodness of insects at industrial scale. By 2050, the World Resources Institute projects a 70% human food calorie gap. The race for sustainable protein alternatives is heating up; livestock consume 20% of global proteins – in direct competition with human consumption for dwindling fish stock, water, land, and soil resources. To avoid human starvation, we need massive productivity increases in protein production. The FAO expects[1] insect protein could help close the gap, with 150x more productive land use per hectare for Ynsect farms compared to beef farms.