That's Caffeine
Project inspired by amount of coffee-related waste. TC is a material made from used coffee ground
That’s Caffeine would greatly reduce waste and divert it from the landfill. The concept aims to take advantage of these readily available materials and make them into something long lasting. The amount of daily coffee consumption worldwide is growing, thus the potential of reusing its waste for further uses is enormous In the UK alone we generate more than 500000 tonnes of coffee waste annually, the majority of which is sent to the landfill. This, in turn, creates 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. With used coffee grounds gathered from coffee shops, That’s Caffeine will be able to create a line of lighting, furniture and fittings which would then be presented to and used by the involved establishments And it doesn’t stop there. That’s Caffeine can extend to creating tiles for home interiors, countertop fittings, and even roofing. This new material would therefore have a notable global impact on waste reduction, with potential to replace many concrete and aggregate-based materials