Mental Wellness for Modern Parents.
Enjo helps modern parents feel appreciated and more connected to their families by making daily mindful reflections. Try switching five minutes of social media for mindful reflections with Enjo – and see what difference it makes. Enjo helps you do quick mindful reflections on what you’re grateful for, meaningful family moments and what your close ones mean to you. Enjo helps you in three ways. Makes you better at appreciating things, when you’re caught up in the busy, stressful life of being a parent, Enjo can help! By talking to Enjo for just a couple of minutes, you’ll be able to appreciate the good things in your life and reduce your stress. It’s about you and your wellness, Enjo is the opposite of social media – something deeply personal and that is only done for your own wellbeing. Try switching a few minutes of mindless scrolling in social media for mindful reflections with Enjo. A new healthy digital habit.