sEMG Biofeedback FES
A biofeedback FES machine that helps post-stroke patients regain limb functions and normal life.
To maximize the positive effects of rehabilitation and help post-stroke regain extremity motor function, the most fundamental physical function in life, we developed sEMG Biofeedback FES, an EMG triggered Functional Electrical Stimulator, for clinical use. It is a combination of NMES, EMG, ETS and multimedia interactive biofeedback rehabilitation training. Based on iOS and sEMG technique, sEMG Biofeedback FES enables medical personnel to monitor the whole process of therapy through iPad, and thus adjust rehabilitation training plan and intensity, helping stroke survivors relearn skills and regain limb functions and live independently. EMG biofeedback FES device detects the weak active EMG signal of paralytic in real time, simultaneously sending appropriate electrical pulse according to the level of the EMG signal to make active muscular contraction, for the purpose of recovery and rehabilitation of extremity motor function, and prevention of atrophy.