Solar Turtle
An ultra secure solar kiosk for community electrification with a special focus on schools.
To help people help themselves. It is an extremely important aspect of this venture. The aim is not for profit but to create a business that gets people to realise that if they want to change the world they should do it themselves. This means alleviating poverty and creating a greener future. Promote women-empowerment. By starting micro-utility franchises in rural and informal settlements a tangible difference can be made for people who still have to live in the dark. By exploiting the versatility of renewable energy and a simple franchise business model these micro-utility businesses can be started across Sub-Saharan Africa. Ugesi links less privileged communities with the funding required to launch their own small mobile power station businesses. These franchises will feed back into SolarTurtle where the funds will be utilized to aid more communities with renewable energy solutions.