BioAesthetics NAC Graft
Nipple Areolar Complex Graft - Biomedical Engineering Meets Breast Reconstruction
Transforming Reconstructive Surgeries Through Regenerative Medicine: [A Permanent Solution] - BioAesthetics' NAC Graft allows the patient's own cells to grow into the graft, essentially growing a new and permanent NAC. [A Living Nipple Structure] - BioAesthetics' NAC Graft is a biologically-derived collagen graft that encourages patient's cells to integrate into their body, becoming a living structure. [A Realistic Nipple] - BioAesthetics' NAC Grafts look real and feel real to the touch because it's a living NAC, not a prosthetic. [Unique Structure] - No two NACs look the same. BioAesthetics' NAC Grafts can be matched to patient's preference.