The Orb: Designing Technology to Save Lives.
The Orb significantly improves cardiac arrest detection in emergency dispatch, thereby saving lives.
Corti’s technology is based on machine learning. Algorithms, which have been trained on thousands of past emergency calls, are utilized in real time to help emergency dispatchers significantly increase cardiac arrest detection rates. In itself, this is revolutionary, but it would prove worthless if left unadopted. Thus, design became a vital part of Corti’s work. The material expression of the Orb had to eliminate any reservations the end users might have had about artificial intelligence. This challenge was addressed through Tom Rossau’s artisanal approach, fostering a humanized exterior. The design had to house its own powerful supercomputer within dimensions adhering to the human scale, as emergency call center server capacity is often limited. The resulting Orb is plug-and-play and thoroughly intuitive. In the dispatchers’ own words: “The Orb is a colleague for us. It provides safety and comfort during stressful situations on the job, while lightening up our dark interior."