An app that helps people with bad memory or poor sense of time.
When my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s five years ago, he was starting to have a hard time keeping track of time and remembering appointments. This is typical for people with dementia, and to help them effectively with this problem, you would have to be with them all the time. This was not possible for me. So to help my dad, and to reduce my bad conscience of not being there enough for him, I had the idea for MemoClock. A solution that makes it possible for me to help my dad even when I am not there with him. MemoClock is an app that turns any device into a day clock you can send reminders to. It helps people with bad memory or poor sense of time. To use MemoClock, you must install the MemoClock app on two devices. One device will show the Clock. The other device - the Helper - will be where you manage the Clock. Start the app in Helper mode and follow the on screen instruction to connect to the Clock. When connected you can send reminders from the Helper to the Clock.