Traditional Spline School is a Flexible program (School and Community Center) for Remote Community
The project is inspired by traditional African architecture: the Case of Africa. To give originality to our work, The Project is a flexible program consisting of a School and a Cultural Or Community facilities. Niger is the largest country of West Africa; the land consists of 80% of the Sahara and Sahel. This is one of the poorest country of Africa. Niger is one of the lowest-ranked in the United Nations' Human Development Index (HDI) in the world (ranked 187th). Here, 90% of the population is engaged in agriculture with a The low literacy rate of 28.7%. across the country The village of Fachi (Agram) is installed near an oasis in the north, in the Agadez region. Located more than 1000 km of Niamey, It has 2,000 inhabitants whose only resources are water, dates and salt. Fachi has no equipment or facilities. There is a hot desert climate, an extreme hyper-arid area with virtually zero annual rainfall.