The first dust-sized, wireless sensors that can be implanted in the human body.
StimDust’s is the size of a granule of sand, measuring 6.5 cubic millimeters in volume. The wireless device is powered by ultrasound, where StimDust uses power nerve stimulation with 82 percent efficiency. StimDust is the smallest deep-tissue stimulator that’s capable of stimulating almost all of the major therapeutic targets in the peripheral nervous system. This device represents the vision of having tiny devices that can be implanted in minimally invasive ways to modulate or stimulate the peripheral nervous system, which has been shown to be efficacious in treating a number of diseases. StimDust includes a single piezocrystal, which acts as the antenna, a 1-millimeter integrated circuit and a charge storage capacitor. The electrodes on the bottom of the device create contact with a nerve through a cuff that wraps around the actual nerve. The team also designed a custom wireless protocol that allows for a range of efficient programmability. The device is powered by four microwatts.