jelly drops
a super-hydrating treats, that people with dementia find engaging and easy to eat
From my observations, people with dementia find eating much easier than drinking. Even still, it can be difficult to engage and encourage them to eat. I found the best way to overcome this is to offer them a treat! This format excites people with dementia, they instantly recognize it and know how to interact with it. Jelly Drops builds on this insight - these bright, tasty treats attract the attention of people with dementia, and the firm, easy to grip 'drops' makes them simple to pick up. The box itself contains many features to help people with dementia interact with it, and crucially it doesn't look like a medical device. It’s friendly aesthetic reduces stigma around the solution, increasing its uptake. When first offered, grandma ate 7 Jelly Drops in 10 minutes - the equivalent to a cup full of water, something that would usually take hours and require much more assistance. Eating the whole box would account for around half the necessary daily fluid intake.