Happy Baby Carrier
Happy Baby is a non-profit baby carrier project for low-income communities all around the world.
Happy Baby is the non-profit design project of a comfortable, secure and easily replicable baby carrier, aiming to facilitate the bonding process between parents and babies all around the world. The design team started the project with a research in Uganda where over a hundred local parents and babies have participated actively in workshops, told about their problems and wishes, and gave feedback on different baby carrier prototypes. The piloting phase took place in Nkokonjeru, Central Uganda where the team trained local tailors to become the Happy Baby entrepreneurs, and gave baby wearing benefits education to community members. Having started the production of good quality and hand made carriers in rural Uganda and the process of building our administration in Denmark, the project team is currently seeking for new partnerships with NGOs and foundations, possible clients, new areas to implement Happy Baby and new skills in their team.