Textil bipanel container for clothing in wraparound bags for people living in reduced spaces
In a country constantly struck by natural disasters, emergency housing are handed as a first step for the later reconstruction of the affected areas. Inside these small houses, people are forced to place the equipment of a traditional house in a very limited space. In this situation, where the space is barely enough to live, it was observed that there is an imperative need to maintain things in order and also to preserve what may have remained after a catastrophe. Often the only solution to achieve this is to hang several bags or even to stack them somewhere, because there is no furniture and if they happen to have any, there is no enough space to install it. RollUp seeks to support those who go through this chaotic experience by offering a complete textile product that only requires to be hanged on the wall to store and protect clothes, which is rolled up and kept in their multiple bags, allowing to keep things in order and to save space.