Adaptive Reuse Architecture to tackle Refugee Education
Reusing a pavilion at the Expo2015 Milan to provide a school for Refugee children in Lebanon.
The project aims at providing a good quality educational space for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, enabling them through education to be active agents in charge of their future development. The school was designed and implemented through participatory design practices, which engaged the community members and various stakeholders to be part of the process. The building was the result of an innovative sustainability exercise that saw the temporary exhibition structure of Save the Children Italy pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015 being re-used in a place where there is an urgent need for shelter, such as in the Syrian refugee Informal Tented Settlements in Lebanon. The reuse of the pavilion structure to serve a humanitarian cause, providing a safe environment for education, answers to global sustainability. This project provides a proof of the success of global reuse to tackle humanitarian crisis, it was only possible through global partnerships.