Self driving car
Now Volkswagen is proposing Sedric, (SElfDRIvingCar, get it?) "the first Concept Car from the Volkswagen Group. And it is the first vehicle in the group to have been created for level 5 of autonomous driving –in other words a person as a human driver is no longer required." It doesn't look much like a conventional car; it is a container, a box with a silly face on the front made of LED headlights and what looks like a giant CD-ROM slot. Sedric is run by artificial intelligence and can be controlled with a button, voice control or a phone app. The self-driving concept car can find parking spaces, collect shopping or pick up children all by itself. "The language of design used to create Sedric is friendly and empathetic, and immediately generates spontaneous trust." But it's tough, too. " Sedric conveys a robust character, safety and reliability within its muscular flanks and stable roof pillars."